Image Capture d’écran 2023-12-05 à 14.34.13

Hubert Anthonioz

Company offering masonry, earthworks, tiling and snow clearance services in winter.


Snow clearing : Jean Michel Ducrettet

Déneigement, Terrassement, Carrelage, Maconnerie

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Landscape gardener : Anthonioz Pascal

Aménagement et entretien d’espaces verts.

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Anthonioz-Blanc-Bergoënd is a company offering masonry, earthworks, tiling and snow-clearing services in winter.


Joinery : Jerome Mabire

Menuiserie, aménagements et finitions.

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Delavay Philippe

Déneigement, Carrelage, Maconnerie, Terrassement.

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Grosset Janin

Guardians of tradition but anchored in their time, Grosset-Janin chalets have in their genes the spirit of Alpine architecture. Their beauty lies in their elegance without ostentation, the purity of their lines and the authenticity of their character.

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Energelec Les Gets is a general electrical and heating contractor specialising in heat pumps.

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Snow clearing : Emmanuel Goine

Snow removal, tiling, masonry, earthworks.