Starting in 2017, the ‘dictée du Tour’ has been bringing young people closer to today’s sporting champions and highlighting the Tour de France’s passage through local communities.
Les Gets will be the departure town on Sunday 16 July (Les Gets/Saint-Gervais stage). To mark the occasion, CM1 and CM2 pupils from Les Gets primary schools have taken part in the ‘dictée du Tour’ on 24 March, 100 days before the start of the Grande Boucle.
40 schoolchildren in Les Gets spent 1 hour writing the famous dictée du Tour. The top pupils have the chance to spend a day backstage at the Tour de France.
Congratulations to the winners in Les Gets:
School Notre-Dame :
- Rafferty Lacey (CM1)
- Douglas Pilcher (CM2)
School Publique :
- Matteo Benoît-Bleneau (CM1)
- Saturnin Chaudron (CM2)
Les Gets would like to congratulate all those who took part in the dictation.
All results are available at