The morning mist, the blazing colours, the shaving sun, the multicoloured carpets of leaves, the smells of rain, pine and humus… It is all these little things that give autumn its charm and character.

If you are still hesitating to get out of your sofa, we give you 5 good reasons to jump in your car, on a train or a bus to discover the wonders of the mountains in autumn.

1 – Recharge your batteries in the open air

randonnée dans les bois en été aux Gets

In an easy or sporty way, mountain hiking in autumn will delight all nature lovers! Go mushroom-picking, capture the contrasting landscapes in photos, scan the first snow-covered summits, take small or large strides on the wet paths…

In Les Gets, we offer several walks to stroll between fir trees and mountain pastures, with a breathtaking view of Mont Blanc or the Roc d’Enfer. And for those who would like to prepare themselves physically before winter, there are also itineraries to warm up the thighs and get the cardio up.

Let’s walk in the woods…

2 – Hunting for mushrooms and chestnuts

This is by far our “good outing plan” for the weekend while waiting for winter to show up…

We put on a warm, waterproof coat, granny’s scarf, a woollen cap, walking shoes, with a wicker basket and a knife. You are now ready for the autumn pickings !

In this period, the humid conditions and lower temperatures favour the development of mushrooms and chestnuts in the forests and undergrowth. Enough to delight all our senses, from the delicate and meticulous touch during picking to the awakening of our taste buds during tasting.

Fauna, flora & mushrooms
Alta Lumina

3 – Embark on an enchanted journey into the heart of the forest

This is what the Alta Lumina experience in Les Gets offers you.

At nightfall, follow in the footsteps of a music peddler and his hot air balloon, and follow his incredible journey over the mountains. In an enchanting and uniquely immersive environment, you enter a world of wonder, where music can be seen and light can be heard. 

➡️ Alta Lumina is open every Friday and Saturday evening, and every day during the All Saints’ Day holidays.

Info & tickets

4 – Visit local mountain farms

The alpine farms are still accessible on foot in autumn, so take advantage of it! Les Gets has a well-kept living treasure: its Tarines, Abondances and Montbéliardes cows and numerous herds of goats and sheep.

We invite you to go and meet the local farmers who produce their own milk and process it into cheese.

All Saints’ Day holiday

5 – Enjoy magical moments with your family

Apprentice wizards, young Dracula and other little monsters, your children will be the kings of Halloween during the All Saints’ Day holiday in Les Gets.

Our entertainment team will put together a hell of a programme for you during the holidays: making Halloween decorations, magic wands, candy buckets, magic shows and a disguised parade through the streets of Les Gets.

Learn more

On the occasion of the international day of sustainable gastronomy on June 18, we asked our ambassador Christophe Pauly, starred chef ✨ of the restaurant Le coq aux champs and lifelong lover of Les Gets, to prepare a fresh and gourmet recipe using local products.

A simple recipe with a Savoyard identity to impress and treat your friends this summer!

Farm reblochon nems – Pastoral salad

For 4 people
1 farm reblochon cheese
4 sheets of brick pastry
1 branch of fennel leaves
4 mint leaves
A few fennel flowers
A few coriander flowers
4 fresh almonds in their husks
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
8 toothpicks
Grape seed oil

  • Scrape the skin of the reblochon with a knife to remove as much as possible. Trim the edges of the Reblochon to obtain a square.
  • Cut the square of Reblochon into 8 identical pieces.
  • Cut the sheets of brick pastry into strips of the same width as the Reblochon blocks. Roll each block of Reblochon in the strips of brick and secure with a toothpick.
  • Remove leaves from fennel sprig. Mince the mint.
  • Remove the seeds from the flowers and mix together.
  • Peel almonds, remove skin from fruit and crush coarsely.
  • Mix with olive oil.
  • Fry the reblochon nems for 15 seconds in oil at 180°C. Remove on a paper towel.
  • Remove the toothpicks and arrange

The beautiful days are back and all you want to do is get back on your bike! Before riding with your favourite toy, a check is necessary for a safe return.
Nicolas from Intersport gives us 4 tips on how to prepare your bike for this summer mountain biking season…

Tip 1: Check tyre and shock absorber pressures
Air escapes from tyres and shock absorbers when they are not in use. Be sure to check the pressure of your tyres and shocks according to your ride and the terrain you will be riding on. For an air shock absorber, you need a high pressure pump which is available in professional shops.
Tip 2: Check for worn brake pads
To do this check, remove the wheels, turn the bike over and remove the brake discs to see how much lining is left on the pads in the caliper. On the metal part of the pad, there is a kind of resin that wears off as you brake and you have to see if it needs to be replaced. It is also important to check how the brake feels.
Tip 3: Inspect the transmission
Normally the transmission does not move during the winter but the chain may be a little rusty so it should be oiled before the season. Be careful at this stage, you should not put oil on the brake pads as this could damage them. I recommend using an oil can rather than a spray as it is more precise. It is also recommended to check the lubrication of the bearings but these are quite specific manipulations that require good technical knowledge.
4th tip: Check the spoke tension
This is a check that I advise to do before each ride. If the spokes are too tight, they may break on landing and if they are not tight enough, the wheel will be warped. To check the spoke tension, you turn the wheel and tighten the spokes 2 by 2.
If you are not an expert in bike mechanics, we advise you to have your equipment checked by a professional to avoid unpleasant surprises and to fully enjoy your mountain bike rides!

Here is the list of Les Gets bike shops

Image ski republic

Evasion sports Shop

All Evasion Sports ‘ team stays at your disposal for you. Your shop is located at the bottom of Mont Chéry cablecar !

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Mountain bike and ski shop, located at the foot of the Les Perrières lift. Eco-friendly shop.

Image The Hub-ok

The Hub Les Gets –

“The Hub Les Gets” is a ski, snowboard and mountain bike rental shop in the centre of Les Gets, with ski in ski out access, very close to the ice rink and ESF.

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Mondraker Store Les Gets

This concept store of the famous Canadian brand offers you the rental/sale of electric, downhill, enduro and children’s bikes. We also provide bike maintenance and suspension services.

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Please come and meet us at Intersport to discover our team, our offers and book your equipment.

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Berthet Sports shop

Berthet Sports, created in 1959. Rental and sale of ski equipment, mountain bikes sportswear and accessories.

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Vermont sport shop

We offer a wide selection of skis and ski equipment (snowblades, sledges, snowshoes…) for sale or rent. During summer, electric bike hire.

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Nevada Sports shop

Nevada Sports is your ski and bike specialist in Les Gets.

A l’occasion de la pré-ouverture du Bikepark des Gets à partir du 26 mai, nous avons rencontré l’équipe des shapers qui ont travaillé ces dernières semaines à façonner les pistes et modules de votre terrain de jeu préféré.

Entre deux coups de pelle, ils nous expliquent comment ils ont préparé le Bikepark cette année.

🔥 Ouverture du Bikepark en continu à partir du 17 juin 🔥

Comment se passent les journées de préparation avant l’ouverture du Bikepark ?

La première grosse partie du boulot consiste à reconstruire les modules qui ont été déconstruits et à restaurer les pistes qui ont été abîmées pendant l’hiver. Il y a des sentiers à ratisser, des arbres en travers à déplacer, on doit lisser le terrain pour que les pistes puissent avoir leur espace. Ça prend entre 10 et 15 jours pour refaire tout ça ! Le balisage est aussi une partie importante de notre travail. Et si on a le temps, on fait un peu de création sur de nouvelles parties, comme on le fait aujourd’hui.  

Après, on attaque le mini jump park selon des lignes directrices précises. Il faut qu’il y ait une ligne verte, une ligne bleue et une ligne plus engagée pour que tout le monde puisse rouler dessus. On change les modules d’année en année pour ça reste intéressant pour les clients qui viennent chaque année. On essaie de prendre en compte l’avis des clients, des locaux et via les réseaux. Il y a beaucoup de gens qui nous font des retours, c’est top !

Mini jump park avant/après

Comment est organisée l’équipe de shapers aux Gets ?

On est une équipe de huit saisonniers, tous passionnés de vélo : 3 à la pelleteuse, 3 patrouilleurs et 2 shapers qui font les finitions à la main. On se relaye en fonction des travaux à réaliser. On commence les travaux début mai pour une pré-ouverture du Bikepark fin mai.

Qu’est-ce qui fait un bon shaper ?

Le premier truc, c’est d’être passionné de vélo. Il faut aussi aimer bosser dehors et ne pas avoir peur du travail physique.

Quels sont les travaux que vous préférez faire ?

Le plus intéressant pour nous, c’est la création. Pouvoir laisser courir son imagination et sa créativité sur une pente vierge, concevoir des modules, etc. Mais on doit respecter la charte des pistes. Donc si on prépare une piste verte, on ne peut pas faire n’importe quel module dans n’importe quel degré de pente ; il faut respecter la catégorie des pistes. On doit aussi s’adapter à notre clientèle car il y a beaucoup de débutants qui viennent ici donc on ne peut pas faire que des pistes engagées.

Comment concilier shape et respect de l’environnement ?

Dans l’équipe, on est tous amoureux de la nature, de la montagne et on a envie que ça reste ainsi. De plus, nous suivons des directives strictes quant à l’aménagement du Bikepark. On fait très attention à la végétation et la flore locale et on ne va jamais dans les zones protégées. On met un point d’honneur à ne pas laisser de traces de notre passage, à intégrer visuellement les pistes dans le paysage et à respecter la nature.

Quels sont pour vous les atouts du Bikepark des Gets ?

Aux Gets, on a un assez grand domaine (128km de pistes) qui permet de rouler plusieurs journées sans s’ennuyer. D’année en année, les pistes évoluent et ça devient de plus en plus sympa de rouler ici.

L’autre gros avantage, c’est d’être au cœur des Portes du Soleil ! Depuis les Gets, tu peux accéder à tout un tas de domaines. Avec le forfait Portes du Soleil, tu peux facilement rouler pendant une semaine, voire 15 jours, sans passer deux fois sur la même piste.

Shape d’un virage relevé dans le mini jump park

Lire aussi : Les Gets au rythme du e-bike

On le voit partout…. Sur les routes, les sentiers en forêt ou les pistes en montagne, le vélo à assistance électrique a véritablement explosé ces dernières années. Vous vous demandez pourquoi ? Le mieux, c’est encore d’essayer non ?

Ça tombe bien, Les Gets et les Portes du Soleil ont aménagé des parcours adaptés à la pratique du e-bike.

Vous êtes prêts à mouiller le maillot ? On vous emmène en randonnée pour découvrir cette discipline so « branchée ».

Je découvre !

In a galaxy named Portes du Soleil, you’ll find a ski resort called Les Gets, a category apart when it comes to cycling terrain. Over the last 25 years, the local tracks and the famous bike park have built themselves a solid reputation in the mountain-biking world. So here are 7 ideas for mountain-bikers of every style and level to try in Les Gets. We think we’ve covered the whole (cycling) terrain !

Les Gets is bike

A complete range of facilities for everyone

Tested and approved by all publics ! Les Gets Bike Park is the beating heart of the resort’s exceptional mountain-biking facilities, with some 128 km of waymarked trails that attract both experts and beginners, of all ages. The site embodies many years of expertise and local know-how, gradually developing to make this discipline accessible to a wider audience.

The icing on the cake in this mountain-bike heaven is that road cyclists and ebikes lovers can enjoy it too.

7 ways to ride in Les Gets

Option 1 / DH

Happiness is choosing from 18 slopes

Adulte et enfant faisant du VTT en été

The benchmark resort of Les Gets boasts a total of 18 downhill runs covering some 130 km of marked-out trails. A distinguishing feature of this reputed site is its extremely wide variety of trails which range from easy greens to double-blacks! “The more challenging Mont-Chéry sector of the bike park is more suited to expert mountain-bikers, while the Chavannes and Nochet areas offer easier trails where the slopes are less steep” explains Christophe Gressent, manager of Les Gets Bike Park. “It is rare to find such a range of possibilities in a single bike park.” 

Let your preferences dictate your choice, between the prestigiously historic black slope, Dans L’Gaz” (700-metre elevation drop), visited by the very best during the World Cup, or the dizzying and highly technical Gets Airline run (double-black) with tree-root sections to negotiate as well as a few impressive bridges. Another unmissable section is the Coaching Track that the instructors make good use of, according to Christophe Gressent: “This fabulous blue run for intermediates is fairly easy but dotted with a few technical sections – steps, roots and some gentle natural berms to help you master speed control.”  

Damien Chaudron, an MCF cycling instructor at Les Gets, prefers the green Ecureuils trail, the longest in the entire MTB area. “You can hurtle down the slope or take it more gently but it never gets too challenging. This well-designed trail offers a great opportunity to observe the vegetation growing at different altitudes. You start on grassy meadows, winding between copses before reaching the forest lower down.” 

Option 2 / Enduro – XC

Six different itineraries to try including the inevitable Loex plateau circuit

Six trails marked out from the top of the chairlifts ensure you avoid the steep uphill sections and enjoy a relatively easy enduro/cross country ride. At Les Gets, enduro mountain-biking means you don’t have to cycle up any steep slopes to enjoy the superb scenery.

There’s something for everyone here, from the very easy Boucles des Clarines loops (5.7 km with a 190-metre climb and 190-metre descent) to the famous Loex Plateau Circuit. Concerning the latter, our first tip is to pronounce it as “Loa” and not “Loex” if you want to sound savvy! This great sporting challenge across the wilderness covers nearly 15 km (310-metre climb, 760-metre descent) from the Chavannes plateau through a pristine habitat with some beautiful wetlands and superb views of the Mont Blanc massif. “A truly great nature excursion which will take you a half-day or full day depending on your level of fitness” advises Damien Chaudron. 

Option 3/ Electric mountain biking

Breathtaking scenery along the great Portes du Soleil trail

Six safe, waymarked trails that share certain sections with other itineraries, a chance to try a mountain Ebike which you can rent from one of the resort’s many outlets. And for those who fancy letting technology help them explore further afield, we recommend without hesitation that you take to the beautiful 80-km Portes du Soleil trail which is now within your reach, especially as you can recharge the bike battery at the charging terminals installed along the way. More than just a bike ride, this is a whole adventure on the trail of the Pass’Portes du Soleil MTB event that’s organised every year in June. You’ll discover ancient Alpine chalets, exceptional plant and wildlife, enchanting waterfalls, and beautiful views of the Dents du Midi mountains! As an added bonus, with the Portes du Soleil lift pass you get to avoid a few difficult uphill sections.

Alternative option: the Golf Course trail : A lovely itinerary (6.5 km, 120-metre climb, 500-metre descent) near the golf course and lakes. Ideal for families and/or beginners as there are no discouraging technical sections.

Option 4/ Road cycling

3 successful climbs (maybe even 4) without leaving Les Gets

The day’s highlights include a succession of three iconically high places in the Mont-Chéry sector above Les Gets.

From the resort, you’ll warm up by climbing the Lassare road before descending again, then tackle the long but not too steep Mont Caly climb (1,487 metres). Take advantage of the second descent to recover your strength for the most challenging part, the steep climb to the Belvédère du Mont Chéry (1,535 metres)! You’ll probably never forget the short, sharp burst of effort required for this 4 km climb on an average slope of around 10%. The record is held by Alberto Contador who covered it in 11 minutes and 36 seconds. If that doesn’t wear you out, you can continue up to the Plateau des Chavannes on the other side of the mountain.

No worries If you’re not quite fit enough, as you can split this Grand Slam challenge into 3 or 4 separate stages!

Option 5/ Getslib 

An effortless climb to the lake or Mont Caly

Les Gets is also a ground-breaking resort when it comes to self-service Ebike rentals! In 2015, Les Gets launched GetsLib’, a soft mobility service that can be seen in many cities but is quite a novelty in a mountain resort. Perfect for exploring the resort’s every nook and cranny, popping to the shops or getting to your activities.

To really hit the summit, jump on a GetsLib bike and ride up to Lac des Ecoles for a dip in the lake. It’s a great feeling of freedom, it’s relaxing and it’s good for the planet. The return descent offers the added bonus of turning the bike into a giant ecofriendly hairdryer!

Option 6/ Fatbike 

Try a bike for all seasons with XXL tyres

Whatever the season, mud or snow needn’t stop you from enjoying those pedalling pleasures! No route is too slippery for the grip of your fatbike’s enormous tyres. In summer, you can take to the slopes and trails with this amazing machine. And to enjoy an even wider choice of routes, you can take your fatbike on the Chavannes and Nauchets chairlifts in the Chavannes sector. Access to the Mont-Chéry gondola lift is also allowed for bikes weighing less than 25 kg.

And in winter ? A whole new experience awaits you when there’s snow on the ground. You’ll discover sensations of comfort and stability that make it every bit as exhilarating! Throughout the season, the resort organises free sessions to introduce you to this activity. The Intersport shop (at the bottom of the Chavannes lifts) proposes fatbike rentals along with plenty of tips to help you get started.

Option 7/ Balance bikes

Sign your toddler up for the cutest event of the year

At Les Gets, they catch the bike-park bug young. Very young ! Straight from the cradle? Not quite, but almost! So until their little feet can actually reach the pedals and make the most of the pumptrack, mini jump park, green DH slopes or kidzone before competing like their older siblings, your 2/5 year-olds can race on balance bikes in an event organised by the resort during the MTB World Cup.

A Run Bike Challenge just for them on the centre-resort’s main street which is closed to traffic for the occasion. We love the very concept!

How about a skiing holiday in spring? Guaranteed sun, warmer temperatures, more sunlight and empty slopes. It’s the perfect getaway for celebrating the end of winter and enjoying the last snow before next winter.

What’s not to like? Here are five good reasons to ski in spring:

1. Night falls later so you get more sunlight and temperatures are warmer

No need to set the alarm for dawn to fit enough skiing in! The sun sets later. The lifts are open longer. That means more time to ski before night falls.

The icing on the cake? You don’t need as many layers in February. Fly down the slopes in a T-shirt at the end of the day to your favourite après-ski destination on the slopes or in the village.

Check out our WEBCAMS LIVE for weather and snow conditions.

2. It’s the perfect time for beginners

Learning to ski isn’t easy for adults. That said, spring is the perfect season to try it and experience your first downhill thrills. There is still good snow cover and it’s soft and supple for a gentle learning curve. What’s more, the weather’s warmer and the sun’s with you. Another bonus: the slopes are less crowded, making for more relaxed skiing and less waiting for lifts!

Les Gets-Morzine ski area close on 10 April. Book now!

3. Skiing…and much more!

  • Ski touring

  • Snowshoeing

  • Cani-cross

  • Dog sledding

The mountain shows its many facets in spring. There are loads of sports in the snow including (alpine ski, ski touring, cross-country skiing, yooner…). Not to mention snowshoeing, cani-cross and dog sledding, paragliding overlooking Mont Blanc, after-ski in the sun or pampering yourself in the spa.

The ideal day? Ski in the morning, have lunch at a restaurant on the slopes, and enjoy relaxing or a fun activity in the afternoon. Wind up the day at Alta Lumina for an enchanting night walk at Les Gets. .

4. Partying in the mountains

Spring weather is ideal for loads of fun activities – both during the day and après-ski! The resort organises an action-packed programme of fun activities to celebrate the end of winter with concerts, shows, treasure hunts, mountain-biking for beginners on the snow or yooner, and much more 👉 CHECK OUT THE AGENDA

March is also when the mega pop and rock festival Rock The Pistes makes its return. An electric atmosphere is guaranteed from 12 to 18 March.

5. Check out our fantastic Spring Skiing offer

Discover the operation and enjoy snow vacations at low prices.

This year again, we are playing extra time and have prepared a programme of activities to make the summer last (has it started yet?)… and the pleasure of holidays away from the crowds.

Our tourism office will be open from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm until Christmas holidays. Open every day except on sunday. 

My wish list…

👉 To stay active

Mountain hikes: contact the resort’s mountain guides

🙋‍♂️​ Mountains guides:
Marcher Courir et Prendre Racine with Emilie Fourot / +33 6 78 64 52 01
Dominique Maire / +33 6 81 05 60 82
Jean-Luc Tamanini / +33 6 80 33 60 26
Les Gets Aventure / +33 6 24 97 70 81

⛰️ The Mont Chéry gondola: open to pedestrians during the holidays – from 19th october until 3th november. From 9am to 12pm30 and 1pm30 to 4pm

🚵‍♀️ Bike rides: contact the mountain bike schools and instructors

🏌️‍♀️ Les Gets Golf: open every day from 8am to 8pm. Lunchtime service only for the restaurant. Closing date on 6 October.

🐶 Cani-kart and cani-hike: available all year round by appointment. Book your hike

🪂 Paragliding: several providers offer paragliding flights. Reservation on request.
Air libre / +33 6 07 99 26 82
Les Gets Aventure / +33 6 24 97 70 81
Les Gets Parapente / +33 4 50 04 88 70

💦 White water sports:
Yaute aventure : ouvert jusqu’au 31 octobre
Evolution 2 : ouvert jusqu’au 15 septembre
Les Gets Aventure

🦘 Trampoline at Les Perrières : en savoir plus

​🛝 Kids area and Pumptrack: at the lake and in the center, free access

🚲 GetsLib: available until holidays (from 19th october until 3th november)🚶Petanque: free access until 1st october

👉 To marvel at

Alta Lumina : booking mandatory on Open every saturdays from september to october. Open the 22, 24, 25 26, 29 and 31 october. Open the 1st and 2nd of november.
Come to our traditionnal Halloween night on the 31 october : hot chocolate and mashmallow. Surprises for best costumes. 

🪗 The Museum of Mechanical Music: open until the 31 october everydays from 2pm15 until 7pm. Plan a visit

🛷​ 4 seasons sledge :
September : every week-end from 2pm to 7pm
October : three first week-end from 2pm to 7pm
During Toussaint holidays : open from the 22 october until the 27 and from 29 october until the 3 november. Closed after the 4 november.
November : open from 9th to 11th november, from 2pm to 7pm. 
Infos and schedules here

🎠 Wooden horse riding school and sulky hire: first 3 weekends in September, afternoons from 3.30pm to 7.30pm. Open during the All Saints’ Day holidays from 3.30pm to 6.30pm.

👉 To relax

💦 Séréni Cimes Spa (La Marmotte hotel) : open every friday, saturday and sunday. Open during Toussaint holiday. +33 4 50 79 86 09

💆🏼‍♀️ Clair moment (wellness center): open from tuesday to saturday from 9am to 7pm. Book here

​✂️​ Hairdresser :
– Ô’soi coiffure et Spa du Cheveux : open every tuesday, thursday, friday and saturday / +33 4 50 37 28 30
– Hel’style : monday from 2pm to 6pm30. From tuesday to friday from 9am to 7pm. Saturday from 9am to 5pm30. Open during all year. Shop open everyday except sunday and monday. More info by phone / +33 4 50 79 06 29 

​🏋️ Fitness at Fitlife : open every monday, tuesday, thursday and friday. +33 4 50 04 78 14

🧘‍♀️ Yoga
– Marcher courir et prendre racine / +33 6 78 64 52 01
– Keolan / +33 6 99 75 66 52
– Filtlife / +33 4 50 04 18 14
– Mountain expl’aura / +33 6 71 49 71 23
– Shiatsu / +33 6 28 13 25 47

👉 To discover

🌸​ Treasure hunt of Father Delavay : buy your guiding book at the tourist office / 2€

🏺 Pottery : open monday to friday from 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm. more info at +33 6 26 92 60 62. Read more.

​🚁​ Helicopter trip : discover Les Gets from the top with Bluegon hélicoptères.

​📚​ Library : monday, tuesday, thursday and friday from 3pm to 6.30pm. Wednesday from 9am to 12pm and from 3pm to 6.30pm. Saturday from 10am to 12pm.

👉 To delight your taste buds

🐐 Why not discover the locals farm to meet the farmers ? Discover

  • Fruitière des Perrières. Shop is open every mondays, wednesday and thursdays from 9am to 12am. Open every fridays and saturdays from 9am to 12pm and from 4pm to 7pm. Closed every tuesday and sunday. The cheese factory is open for a free visite every wednesday morning from 10am. Visite for a group with 25 person min. Booking by phone +33 4 50 79 70 04
  • Chèvrerie des Félire : open everydays except sundays, from 2pm to 5pm. The shop is open from 2pm to 6pm.

Where to eat in Les Gets ?

  • Le Supergets : open everyday for lunch and friday and saturday night / 04 50 75 31 52
  • Le Boomerang : open everyday except on tuesday and thursday for lunch and diner until the 10 november / 06 46 51 82 05
  • La Biskatcha : open everyday for lunch and diner / 04 50 84 55 35
  • Le Chinfrey : for lunch, little restauration on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday
  • Le Comptoir/As des neiges : open from the 17 october everyday except tuesday and wednesday / 04 50 80 62 53
  • Le Restaurant du Golf : closed on 6 october / 04 50 04 62 36
  • La R’mize : closed 13 october / 04 50 79 75 57
  • Sush’ski : reopening on 14 october, from tuesday to saturday from 6.30pm to 10pm / 09 82 36 68 31
  • La Fille du Tonnelier : from thursday to saturday from 10am to 11pm and on sunday from 10am to 3pm / 04 50 06 81 89
  • Les petits sablés : open every lunch / 06 88 84 63 13
  • Le Rendez-Vous : everyday for lunch except on sunday and mondau / 04 50 04 02 37
  • Pizzalino : opend everyday from monday to friday from 6.30pm to 9pm / 04 50 74 74 10

Where to sleep in Les Gets ?

▪ Chalets Adelphine Tél. +33 4 50 75 80 22 

▪ Hôtel Le Bellevue : open until the 1st November Tél. +33 4 50 75 80 95 

▪ Le Chinfrey Tél. +33 4 50 79 71 30 

▪ Chalet hôtel La Marmotte Tél. +33 4 50 75 80 33 

▪ Chez la Fine : Tél. +33 4 50 37 20 90 ou +33 4 50 75 88 09

Taxis and transfers

​▪ Abscisse Taxi : open everyday / +33 6 74 49 19 39 

 Alp genovese taxi / +33 6 08 64 67 23 or +33 6 07 28 57 11 

▪ Alpi motion / +33 6 38 46 04 08 

▪ Taxi casalinuovo / +33 6 72 73 69 18 

▪ Ski transfers / +33 4 50 04 49 76 

▪ Ski-lifts / +33 1 82 88 14 10 

▪ Taxi Gallay / +33 6 07 80 48 13 

▪ Transfers 1786 / +33 4 79 72 14 43 or +33 6 74 87 65 71

Estate agency

▪ Agence ACM Immobilier : open everyday except sunday and public holiday / +33 4 50 75 89 26 

▪ Agence IMMO ‘Select : open everyday except sunday and public holiday / +33 4 50 79 10 86

▪ Agence La Centrale : open everyday except sunday and public holiday / +33 4 50 79 75 18 

▪ Alpine Lodges : open everyday except saturday and sunday / +33 4 22 32 60 96 

▪ Alpine Résidences : open everyday from 9am to pm. Close on sunday. Open saturday from 9am to 6pm. +33 4 80 94 95 96 


▪ Berthet Sports : open during the second week of the Toussaint holiday / +33 4 50 79 73 55 

▪ Boutique de décoration : Un Amour de Noël : open everyday / +33 4 50 75 83 73 

▪ Evasion Sports : open until the 30th september and during the Toussaint holiday / +33 4 50 79 70 90 

▪ Maison de la Presse/ Tabac : open everyday from 7.30am to 12.15pm and from 3pm to 7pm. Open on sunday from 8am to 12pm / +33 4 50 79 71 68 

▪ Nivalis : open everyday until the 23 september. Open every day except tuesday and wednesday from the 5 to the 18 october. Open everyday from the 19 october to 4 november. Open everyday except tuesday and wednesday from the 5 november to the 13 december. / +33 4 50 80 13 55 

▪ Purexperience : open only with appointment / +33 6 86 30 25 63 

▪ Ski Love : open during the Toussaint Holiday / +33 4 50 79 73 37 

▪ The hub : open everyday from 9am to 12.30pm and from 2.30pm to 6pm / +33 6 67 58 33 27

▪ Vermont : open from 16 september to 28 october, every thursday, friday and saturday. Open everyday after / +33 4 50 75 82 07

▪ Sherpa Supermarché : open every monday, tuesday, friday and saturday from 7am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 7.30pm. Open every wednesday and sunday morning from 7am to 12.30pm. Close on thursday / +33 4 50 79 75 18 

▪ Boucherie Bataller : close on monday and sunday. Open the rest of the week from 7am to 12.15pm and saturday from 7am to 12.15pm and from 4pm to 7pm.

– Food distributor : Rossin, traineau and TARTIF 

Back to childhood with this recipe for blueberry tart

We’ve seen you picking wild blueberries on your walks and eating them greedily on the spot. That’s the simple pleasure of hiking in the mountains! Why not go back, basket in hand, and collect a good quantity to make a delicious blueberry tart?

We share our recipe with you to impress your friends at the next dinner party !


At the heart of the huge Portes du Soleil area, the Les Gets resort stands out for its prestigious MTB tracks, suitable for everyone and for all levels.

In the summer, the resort is full of mountain bikers and cyclists looking for some exciting trails. You are also likely to run into one of our ambassadors on the MTB trails. Our ambassadors are generally more at ease on skis than on a bike, but they all love the Les Gets resort just as much in summer as in winter.

Electric MTB, cross-country or downhill, just for the fun or for training… We asked them how they like to cycle around Les Gets in summer. 

Adeline Mugnier

Never without her electric bike

“During my career as an athlete, I was (un)fortunate to have to do some road cycling and… I hated it. It really wasn’t my thing. A few years ago, I tried out an electric MTB and I’ve never looked back. I love exploring the mountains at my own pace. Thanks to the electric assistance, there is no limit, I can go wherever I want and I have a great time! Electric MTB is something that has become more and more popular the past few years in Les Gets, there are lots of varied trails and they are in perfect condition, it’s fantastic!”

Electric bike in Les Gets
Lauryne Chappaz

Promising downhill MTB competitor from Les Gets

“What I really love about Les Gets is that the resort is suitable for everyone, especially beginners. At the Bikepark there are varied, fun trails for beginners, as well as more technical and challenging ones that are perfect when you’re training for competitions such as the World Cup. It’s varied and natural, and we can also go freeride mountain biking. As one of the resort’s MTB ambassadors, I want to show people that there are trails here adapted to all levels and suited to all needs. There are also several trails at the Bikepark where you can really work on and improve your skills. The Tomawak is an example of that, and it just happens to be one of my favourites.”

Discover the Bikepark
Jacques Jefferies

Cross-country and road cycling to prepare for the winter

In the summer, as well as roller skiing and swimming, I also do a bit of cross-country mountain biking and road cycling. These endurance sports are complementary to cross-country skiing. Les Gets is an ideal place for my training because I can ride for many hours without going back over the same path as the area is very large and offers many marked paths where I can train safely. In addition, the heights of Les Gets offer a 360° view of the mountains in the region, from the Aravis to the Mont Blanc range. Sometimes, I go to Les Gets Bikepark with friends to test out the World Cup tracks.”

Legendary routes & passes
Jules Segers

E-bike enthusiast

“Thanks to my electric MTB, I can ride pretty much everywhere in Les Gets. I love riding around Mont Chéry, La Rosta and my favourite trail is the climb up to Joux Plane lake. It’s a relaxing change of scenery and it helps me clear my mind, surrounded by some amazing views. I use my e-bike both for physical and muscular training, and for recovery sessions.”

See the e-bike circuits
A land of events

Enthusiastic supporters at the resort’s MTB events

MTB World Cup 2019 and 2021, MTB World Championships 2022, to name but a few. Les Gets resort is now back to the UCI MTB world circuit in full force and is lucky enough to host the world’s best riders.

Exciting sporting achievements, sensational and moving sights for the spectators, an electrifying atmosphere alongside the tracks and in the village. Les Gets pulls out all the stops to create a fantastic atmosphere filled with enthusiasm from the fans and our athletes!

Lauryne Chappaz – downhill MTB

“I was really pleased with my 1st elite participation in the UCI MTB World Cup 2021 in Les Gets. I managed to get through the qualifying rounds but the next day I fell twice in the middle of the trail and in blackwood, which put me at a disadvantage. It’s not easy being the youngest rider among the elite competitors, I put too much pressure on myself. What more can I say about this World Cup 2021 “at home”? Apart from the fact that I loved the new downhill track. It is a varied, technical and all-round track with a bit of everything: jumps, challenging passages and speed. Everything I love rolled into one!” 

Sébastien Varlet – freeride skiing

There is a huge community of MTB fans in Les Gets. It is a sport that people can really understand because everyone has ridden a bike before, but not necessarily been skiing. Freeride and downhill MTB are two sports that are quite similar. The kick-off, the speed, the search for adrenaline… But here it’s on a whole other level because they can’t afford to make mistakes. That inspires a certain respect! I also find that the world of mountain biking is pretty rock-and-roll. They are professional athletes, yet they also like to let go after the competition and have some fun.”

Océane Avocat Gros – ski jumping

“I don’t often go mountain biking, but I really enjoy watching competitions like the last World Cups in Les Gets. When I see the riders just go for it on the downhill sections, I find it even more sensational and impressive than ski jumping. Organising this kind of event in Haute Savoie and Les Gets is a great way to show off all the advantages of our mountain resorts, to be able to welcome important sporting competitions.”

Jacques Jefferies – biathlon

“I’ve been following the DH and XCO World Cups and World Championships pretty closely for a few years now. It’s really exciting to see French competitors like Loïc Bruni and Amaury Pierron ride down the tracks of Les Gets. I’m really looking forward to the World Championships in 2022!”

Adeline Mugnier – alpine skiing

“Les Gets always pulls out all the stops when organising MTB events here. There’s a great atmosphere, all the locals of Les Gets are delighted to welcome the athletes and spectators, you don’t often see that kind of passion, I love it.” 

Read also : Les Gets and the Portes du Soleil at the pace of e-bike

On the Downhill (DHI) side, a brand new track has been created for the 2021 Mercedes-Benz UCI MTB World Cup. Inspired by the track that hosted the P2V Invitational in 2020, the course retains only the start and finish areas.

The organisation was willing to offer riders a varied track with a succession of fast and technical sections and a great show with, in particular, a spectacular finish!

Léandre Alegri and Benoît Texier, directors of the DHI course, give us a preview of this new challenging and spectacular route.

Both former technicians on the MTB World Cups, Léandre and Benoît designed and shaped this new DHI trail. Benoît (left) is a mountain bike guide and instructor at Bike Experience and Léandre (right) has created his own company Bike Trail Concept.

What’s the story of this track?

Ben: It’s a new track which is being created on Mont-Chéry for the 2021 World Cup and the 2022 World Championships. We didn’t want to stay with the 2019 track – which is a little outdated nowadays with the progression of the discipline. Only the start and finish areas are the same. In September 2020, we were busy shaping the track for the P2V Invitational, a race organised by the P2V association and all the locals in the resort. We are going to build on this track, which is a good base, and offer a more open, more technical and faster route with a spectacular finish!

What do you want to offer with this new route? 

Léandre: We want to offer the riders a modern, comprehensive track, adapted to the demands of downhill mountain biking, which has evolved enormously in recent years. We start with a fast open start, followed by many technical parts in the forest undergrowth where the successive rider traffic will leave roots and brake holes on show.  We close with a fast, aerial finale, a series of tables between the road and the Mont-Chéry cable car. In conclusion: more entertainment for the crowd and more enjoyment for the riders! 

Ben: The bottom of the track will be completely transformed. It will no longer follow the black track of the bike park but will go straight into the woods on a steep slope. ¾ of the track will be in the woods, unlike the old track which was almost entirely on the ski slopes. For us, it was very important to have a test year for this new track before the 2022 World Championships.

What qualities are needed to perform well on this new course? 

Léandre: this new track will no longer be a single track like it was in the 2019 World Cup. More routes will be possible, which will create a lot of paths to make a difference on the different riding styles and allow time differences and entertainment. Some will opt for the wider paths, and others will try to take the more technical routes. As a result, this track requires a lot of work from the staff and the rider beforehand to analyse the possible paths, the section times and the many mechanical adjustments… Not to mention the strong physical and mental skills that are essential to win a round of the World Cup.  

The track will be a little slower than in 2019 but it will be longer and with lots more obstacles so it will be physically harder. 20 or 30 seconds more on a 3mins 30 or 3mins 40 run is no small feat! 

Which section of this track do you prefer? 

Léandre & Ben : Without hesitation the lower part in this new wood, up to the finish which we called “black wood”. It is full of steep slopes, dotted with roots, banked bends which concludes with a very aerial finish line. We cannot wait to see them on this brand-new section ! 

Discover the new DHI track

Bikepark & World Cup

Christophe Gressent, Les Gets Bikepark manager :

During the event, my role is to ensure the operation of the Bikepark and the hosting of the World Cup. We are keen to offer a quality event, with top spectator access while maintaining the operation of the Bikepark for customers, without too many track closures.” 

➡️ The Bikepark on the Chavannes side remains accessible to the public, except for the bottom of the four cross which will be closed from 28 June to 04 July; a diversion will be put in place. On the Mont Chéry side, the Bikepark will be closed to bikes from 28 June to 04 July. 

As friends in real life and rivals on the slopes, Loïc Bruni (four-time World Champion in downhill mountain biking) and Amaury Pierron (Winner of the 2018 World Cup, 2nd overall at the 2019 World Cup) are a fantastic duo. They enjoy jostling for first place on their bikes as much as they do spending time together.

These two French riders have dominated the international mountain biking scene for the past few years and will both be competing in the World Cup in Les Gets on 2-3-4 July.

Loïc Bruni (left) and Amaury Pierron (right), here winner of the 2019 World Cup round in Les Gets.

We asked them to tell us a bit about each other…

How do you think Amaury/Loïc is feeling so close to the start of this new season?

Loïc: I can’t really speak for him but I’m guessing it’s not easy because of his injury last year and the 2019 season which left him feeling quite disappointed. He has recovered from his injury and has been off the circuit for over three months, so he has to regain his confidence and build everything back up again. It’s never easy coming back after an injury – it’s a huge challenge. I think he’s looking forward to it, but he must have some doubts, so it’ll be interesting to see how our old Maumau does.

Amaury: I think he’s raring to go. He was probably a little disappointed last year, even though he finished on a win in the final race. He struggled a bit from the start of the season to the middle, things didn’t go the way he wanted, so I think he must be really ready to get back out there!

Why do you think Amaury/Loïc stands out as a rider ?

Loïc: He’s got that will to win! When he’s in that frame of mind, it’s very hard to beat him. He’s great at riding that fine line between success and failure. He always gives 100%. He scares himself at every bend, but he manages to stay in control. When he rides like that, he comes 1st or 2nd and so it’s dangerous for the overall rankings. There are very few guys who can ride like that. I can’t do it. Even if I put all I’ve got into my riding, I always hold back a little. That’s something I envy him for.

Amaury: He manages to be powerful and super smooth at the same time. He’s very steady, yet makes no noise. A bit like a cat on a marshmallow (laughters). I also think there’s something about his mental approach which allows him to win the World Championships. I haven’t worked out what it is yet, but I’ll figure it out eventually.

Your best memory with Amaury/Loïc ?

Loïc: I don’t know if it’s the best, but the first one which comes to mind is when he won his first  World Cup. It was at Fort William. I had just recovered from an injury. I finished 5th and we were together on the podium. He was so excited and I understood how he felt as I’d experienced the same thing the previous year. It was great to be able to enjoy that victory together with my mate. It was one of the few times I was happy that he’d beaten me.

Amaury: The best memory I have is an act of kindness he showed me. During the warm-up for the 2017 World Cup in Val di Sole, he said to me ‘Go for it! Enjoy yourself, ride fast and believe that you can do it.’ Thanks to that, I was totally relaxed and I managed my best result at that time – 2nd place in Val di Sole. I was so proud.

Is it hard to juggle your friendship and rivalry?

Loïc: It’s not always easy, that’s for sure. You have to accept the rivalry and manage to put it to one side when you need to. We both need to stay grounded and make sure we respect each other. Even if you’re a bit gutted to have been beaten, you’re still happy for your mate. That’s how we work anyway. That’s what makes our relationship so special.

Amaury: It’s complicated as we’re both working really hard towards the same goal and when you get beaten, it’s sometimes hard to accept – even if you’re happy for the other person. We try to play fair, be honest and kind to each other.

What is your best memory from Les Gets?

Loïc: During the 2019 World Cup, there was this crazy crowd between the finish line and the podium and it was a real challenge to reach the podium. After the awards ceremony I had to go and do the anti-doping tests. There were so many spectators that Vévé from the police had to put me in a police car with the flashing lights to get me through the crowd. It was crazy!

Amaury: The 2019 World Cup in Les Gets is the best memory that I have of any competition. It’s not just about crossing the line, there was an incredible competitive spirit the whole weekend: in training, hundreds of spectators along the track, the chainsaws and the crowd going wild at the finish line. Not-to-mention the Marseillaise which could be heard throughout the whole village, it really was a great moment. I’ve got some great memories from crazy nights at the Barbylone too.

How do you think the 2022 World Championships will go?

Loïc: Given the atmosphere in 2019, I think it will be crazy. I’m really looking forward to the World Championships in France. It’ll be a first for me. I sincerely hope to be in with a chance for the title. Also, the level of the French riders is very high at the moment, so if this level is maintained for 2022, these World Championships in France could be among the best of all time.

Amaury: For the moment, I’m pretty focused on this year which is going to be an important one for me after my injury. The World Championships in France in 2022 are going to be spectacular, for sure. Racing at home in front of my own crowd is going to give me even more of a buzz. I absolutely can’t wait!