Conference “Les Gets: 2000 years of history”
Du Monday 10 August au Monday 10 August 2020 - De 20:30 à 22:30

Conference on Les Gets and its 2000 years of history(s) by Philippe Mugnier, author of the book Des Gets au Léman : une saga entre foi et loi.
The history of Les Gets as you may have never heard it before…
Mr Philippe Mugnier, author of the book Des Gets au Léman : une saga entre foi et loi will give a lecture on Les Gets history on Monday 10 August at 8.30 p.m. in the Salle de la Colombière.
Free admission within the limit of available places.
– Beginning of the lecture at 8:45 pm
– 1:15 of presentation
– From 10 pm, question-and-answer session
* COVID-19 * We make every effort to respect the safety of all within the framework of our animations and events. To find out more about the health measures put in place in the resort, click here.